About Us
We are the Republican Central Committee of Ottawa County Ohio.
To Preserve, Value and Honor our Constitution
To Support and Create Small Businesses
To Put Patients and their Doctors in Charge of Healthcare, not Unelected Bureaucrats
For Trade Agreements that Put America First
To Confirm all Conservative and Constitutional Judges
We Vote Republican
Jill Stinebaugh
Jill Stinebaugh received her R.N. Diploma from Flower Hospital School of Nursing in 1969, and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Bowling Green State University in 1991. After a 45 year career that ranged from critical care nursing to being a nurse paralegal, Jill retired in 2014. She also served on the Ottawa County Board of Health from 1998-2018. After retirement, Republican Politics took center stage in her life. Jill was elected to Ottawa County Republican Central Committee for Harris 3 in 2014. She was Vice President of the Ottawa County Republican Women’s Club from 2013-2014, and then President of that organization from 2015-2018, before becoming Chairman of the Ottawa County Republican Party on May 30, 2018. Jill is a 2016 graduate of the Joanne Davidson Ohio Leadership Institute.
John B. Fowler
Vice Chairman
Raised in Columbus, Ohio, Eagle Scout, ROTC scholarship to OSU, three varsity letters, graduated in 1976 with a BA in Political Science. Commissioned in the Army the same day, served in the United States and overseas in command, tactical, law enforcement, security, corrections, administrative, training, and marksmanship positions as an armor/cavalry officer and military police officer retiring as a lieutenant colonel. Later federal service included Army staff work, DoD J-34 Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection deployments and finally retiring as a Detroit-based FAA Special Agent in 2019. Canvasser, poll flusher, poll watcher and in 2022, elected as the Salem 2 Precinct Committeeman. Married with four grown children. Currently, a Scouter in the Eagle Bay District supporting BSA shooting programs.
Lisa Slobodzian
Lisa received her AAS in Recreation and Wildlife from Hocking College, Nelsonville, Ohio, in 1985.
She served as a commissioned Federal Law Enforcement Officer with the Department of the Interior,
National Park Service for 32 years, providing emergency medical care as an EMT-I, watercraft search,
rescue, and recovery; boating safety and operations instruction; and structural and wildland firefighting
activities. She retired in 2018 as the Law Enforcement Specialist at the Great Smoky Mountains National
Park in Tennessee.
After having lived and worked throughout the country in some of the most popular and loved areas, Lisa
chose to return to the beauty of Ohio’s North Coast and her hometown. She served her community on the
Port Clinton City Council, and was appointed to the Ottawa County Central Committee, PCW2, in
January 2021. She became a poll worker in October of 2021 and continues serving in that role.
Kimberly Fourman
Kimberly Fourman is a pastor’s wife in Port Clinton. She and her husband Deron have 3 children-all of whom she homeschooled through graduation. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Music in 1989 and has used her musical talents by playing the piano for her church, weddings and funerals, organizing children’s musical programs and teaching private piano lessons. She began working as a poll worker in the early 90’s when they lived in West Virginia, and has happily continued to do so in almost every election here in Ohio. She was elected to the Ottawa County Republican Central Committee for Bay Township in 2018, and now serves as the Secretary for this organization
2022 - 2026 Ottawa County Republican Central Committee
Allen 2 - VACANT
Allen 3 - Fran Cranfield*
Allen 4 - Donna Keller
Bay - Kimberly Fourman*
Benton 2 - Aaron Leist
Benton 3 - Terry Lowe*
Carroll 1 - Philip DeLuca
Carroll 2 - Linda Amos*
Catawba 1 - Toni DeLuca
Catawba 2 - Robert Sundin
Catawba 3 - Connie Focht*
Catawba 4 - Melinda Company
Clay 1 - Jeanne Davies
Clay 2 - Bill Scott
Clay 3 - Martin Sutter
Clay 4 - Joel Mann*
* Indicates Executive Committee Member
Adopted 02/19/2024 - Revised 07/22/2024
Danbury 1 - Karen Hritz
Danbury 2 - VACANT
Danbury 3 - Matt Koser
Danbury 4 - Michelle LeCrone
Danbury 5 - David E. Baker*
Erie - Brian Hild*
Harris 1 - Don Alter*
Harris 3 - Jill Stinebaugh*
Harris 4 - Lori Hepler
Portage 1 - Dale Muetzel*
PC1A - Chris Enoch
PC2A - Lisa Slobodzian*
PC3A - Dave Blankenbeker*
PC4A - Debra Hymore-Tester
Put-In-Bay - George Stoiber*
Salem 1 - Toni Douglas*
Salem 2 - John Fowler
Salem 3 - ShirLee Eberle*
Salem 4 - Pam Hannan
Salem 5 - Bonnie Garner