Century Club Fund
January 10, 2025
Dear Republican Friends,
As 2025 dawns, we turn our attention to local elections. In Ottawa County, that means races for School Board, Township Trustees, and City/Village Council, and, more importantly, for a new Ottawa County Municipal Court Judge. Judge Lou Wargo (Republican) will be age-limited, so he is unable to run. Ottawa County Clerk of Courts John Klaehn (Republican) is preparing to run for Municipal Court Judge.
In 2024, we had outstanding election results. Every Republican nominee on the ballot overwhelmingly won in Ottawa County. All 7 of our Countywide races won: Ottawa County Commissioners (Mark Stahl and Mark Coppeler), Prosecutor (James Van Eerten), Clerk of Courts (John Klaehn), Sheriff (Steve Levorchick), Recorder (Nate Daniels), and Treasurer (Tony Hatmaker). We campaigned hard and had two busy OCRP Headquarters during the election cycle.
The Party needs to raise the funds necessary to support a Municipal Court Republican candidate for 2025 and to prepare for 2026, when we will have two countywide incumbents on the ballot (County Commissioner Don Douglas and Auditor Jen Widmer). We are asking for donations to our Century Club Fund, and, this year, 50% of those donations will go directly into our Judicial Fund. All contributions received are reserved for and spent on local campaigning.
We are asking for your help. Your check made payable to the Ottawa County Republican Party for Century Club membership ($100.00 per individual or $150 per couple) may represent the difference between winning and losing critical elections in 2025. We would encourage you to join our Golden Elephant Club for $250 or more. You may purchase your membership below.
As leaders in our Party, we count on and appreciate your support. The OCRP plans to work hard to extend the successes we have made into the future. We hope that you will become a vital part of our team in 2025.
A Century Club "Thank You" Breakfast is being planned for Saturday, May 3, 2025 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Port Clinton. We will have a special guest (To Be Announced). Invitations for this Breakfast will be sent to Century Club and Golden Elephant Club members.
For questions, please feel free to contact me. We thank you in advance for your support!
Jill Stinebaugh
Chairman, Ottawa County Republican Party
Paid for by The Ottawa County Republican Party
Individual Membership

Couples Membership

Golden Elephant Membership